Mr. Blog & I won't be in the country for Thanksgiving, but he still wanted a little turkey and stuffing (and cranberry and beans and yams and potatoes... etc. etc.) so we decided to have a small dinner this weekend for the two of us (the inner-hostess in me wanted to have a big celebration, but when we came up with this idea last week I was still convinced I didn't pass the bar so I just assumed I wouldn't want to see people this weekend).
I went to the store to buy a turkey breast and thigh, which together cost $12. The whole turkey in the next freezer was only $11. So, I bought the whole turkey (of course).
In light of the fact that: 1) there was no way we could eat a whole turkey; 2) it's very hard to cooked that many side dishes for two people; 3) I did pass the bar and was up for being social, we decided on Friday to host a (very last minute) Thanksgiving on Sunday.
We made all the food; our friends brought all the wine and it was a fantastic evening.
A crudite tower (and its friend beer):

Boys watching football and a lovely lady smiling for the camera:

The Turkey:

Friends (and fellow bar-passers - congrats!):

Mr. Blog working hard and me enjoying myself:


Our table:

And, in case you're wondering, the dishes are: (clockwise from the big turkey platter)
1) Roasted, brined turkey with grilled baby eggplant and persimmons (on a bed of spinach)
2) Cranberry orange sauce
3) Stuffing (from the box!)
4) Mixed green salad with apples, gorgonzola and spiced walnuts (with orange dressing)
5) Mr. Blog's special whipped yams topped with mini marshmallows
6) Corn pudding
7) Green bean casserole
8) More stuffing
9) Scalloped potatoes with Gruyere
Not pictured (where the empty potholders are): gravy & spicy collard greens
Mr. Blog also made a beautiful pumpkin pie from scratch (with bourbon whipped cream!) but we promptly ate that up without photographing it.
Thank you, dear friends for sharing the night with us and a big, big thank you to Mr. Blog for being my co-chef.
Oh, as I'm writing this entry: turkey & fixin's to my left; gravy & cranberry to my right.
