Look what finally came from Amazon (it took over a week even though the warehouse is about 40 minutes from my apartment):
My sticker maker refill! The best part is... it FITS! As it turns out, the Create-a-Sticker is the same machine as my Magic Sticker Maker! (Xyron would have made my life a lot easier if it didn't change the names of its products!)
I have plenty of shows on TiVo so it's sticker assembly time tonight! (One of which is Heroes; is anyone still watching it? I'm trying but the constant time jumping is really confusing me!)
In other news, Mr. Blog won this pie in a raffle at work today. Mmm, my hero.
Xyron AND free pie! Someone up there likes you! Having a Xyron is like having the power of the sticker gods in your very own hands...
Thanks for stopping by my blog today...if you make that bread pudding you'll have to let me know how it turns out. sounds like you are a true pumpkin connoisseur!
Anne @ The City Sage
STICKERPALOOZA!!!!!!!!!!!! next year, please flag this in advance, and i shall be first in line to sleep out for tickets!
(ps: also, at that time, we can run down to amazon warehouse and "liberate" the next round o'cartridges...being as we have the power of the sticker gods!!! (whatta GREAT phrase; i'm SO stealin' that!) on the way home, we can cruise by hunky santa's house and hang up our stockings!)
(OOF! i've just re-read that last bit!!! sorry, i swear, that sounded MUCH LESS DISGUSTING *inside* my head. ...please see apology/disclaimer above...)
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