spoiler alert for those who care what kind of card I'm sending them this Christmas!]
I came up with this card last night:
The outside (it's very boring, but wait for it...)

The inside for text (yes, yes, still boring... keep waiting...)

It comes with these extras (do you see where I'm going with this?)...

to make this!

It's a gingerbread house in card form all ready to be decorated! I may tweak the shape little more (but I'm pretty limited since I want the whole card to fit in the standard envelop that the "roof" part came in) and look for a more gingerbread-y colored card stock, but otherwise I'm quite happy with the outcome!
I also spent today designing these cute candy decals (which is kind of a pain to do on
Publisher and
Paint; I think I need to invest in
Illustrator!) to run through my
Xyron so there will be a sheet of stickers that comes with each card for the recipient to use to decorate the house!

I plan on making a big batch of these, so watch your mailboxes friends; one of these is coming soon!
Oh, my...this card is adorable and ever so creative! I'll be expecting one in the mail for sure!
:) Kristi
That is super-smart! Now Hallmark will see it and steal the idea from your blog.
(can i get a nutritional label with my stickers please...you know...in case i breakdown and eat a few...)
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