Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You know it's the holidays when...

Hunky Santa comes to town (or the local mall)...

[from his bio:
"He is the son of ol' St. Nick. He is personable, friendly, gregarious, funny, approachable, warm, articulate, confident, unpretentious, easy-going, fit, handsome and has a smile that can light up a room"]

So hilarious and kind of ridiculous; but, to be fair, if Hunky Santa is up your alley, you can visit him Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights at the Beverly Center.

(also to be fair, that is a picture of Hunky Santa 2006, trainer Greg from Bravo's Workout; this year's Hunky Santa is Eli Wilhide of Tony Robbins fame.)


Saucy said...

I nominated you for a little game/award on my blog so if you want to come play, check it out.

I'm having a sweet giveaway on my blog for my 500th post tomorrow.


lauren bergold said...

"hunky santa...just slip a (CENSORED) under the tree...for me...been an angel this year...hunky hurry down the chimbly tonight..."

(with apologies to miss yin, mr. blog, eartha kitt, hunky santa, (both of 'em!) regular santa, mrs. claus, dasher, dancer, the los angeles chapter of the ACLU & xmas aficionados EVERYWHERE. i am ashamed of myself. seriously. i am seeking help.)

(ps: please lemme know when it is daniel craig's turn to be hunky santa...i shall fly out immediately.) ;)